Thursday, December 16, 2010

another cold morning, bright sun,

We have no snow, and it's been too cold to take the kids out for recess.I'm planning on taking Deezel for a walk this afternoon after I get back from lunch with Paula.
I've got some art to work on this afternoon. Stitching on the two gifts for art group, and making an entry  in Art Journal 2 for the Rockettes at the Wang last week. Then, I'll meet technology head on - figuring out how to print labels for Christmas cards to save my thumb from all the writing.

My other blog ArtistsWorkshop is up and running. Go to    Tomorrow,I'll be addng the carps that first graders did yesterday and the scrolls from the second graders.
As I wite this entry, I'm thinking some of the Haiku I wrote is worthy of improving. Daily work for 2011 might be to take the 2009 Haiku, tighten up the language and imagery, then do a second "art"piece in a journal...stay tuned.

December 16 This was as stunning sunset on my way home from school. That's one advantage of short days. There's a clear view of the western horizon an my way home.
I used Crayola brushes for the colors in this entry and wrote the verse with a purple uniball "Vision".
Pink and purple clouds
surround the vivid blue sky -
astounding colors. 
I like the contrast of the single syllable words and the multi-syllabic ones.

Edits for this would take out "and" and "the", again.
Purple clouds float, pink
surround vividly blue sky -
astounding colors. 
December 15 Looks like I was in a hurry -hand drawn sun, puppy paws and flip flops. the border has several "layers" or attempts.First, I used pencil then yellow marker then black Marvy.

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