Tuesday, August 23, 2011

summer's end

It's hard to believe, but today marks the end of summer vacation. Tomorrow, Wednesday, we have a teachers' workshop, Thursday a staff meeting and Friday is a time to work in classrooms.

iris from June
I'm photographing all my container gardens today. They look fabulous. Regular watering and fertilizing helps. My art work has consisted of tangling, making a new glasses pouch and machine stitching new pillow covers.
bird from orioles' arrival
The "brain" was what I worked on when in PA in July when my sister, Elizabeth, had brain surgery. The tumor was the size of an orange. She's at skilled nursing facility until Friday when she's scheduled to go home. I can tell each time I talk to her that she's regained much of her  language skills. She's still not great stamina wise, but considering she's been hospitalized since the beginning of July, that will take a while to get back. 

Saturday, August 6, 2011

heat and watering

I watered all my plant pots and the vegetable garden this morning. Rain is in the forecast, but I didn't water yesterday, so decided the plants were in need of a little attention. I cleaned the day lily beds; they look so awful once the stems are dried and the leaves falling down.
Yesterday I went on a garden tour at the ProvenWinner gardens in Louden, NH. They wholesale to the garden centers and are the Supertunia people.

I'll be documenting my container gardens soon. I plan to use the photos as reference the following year, but somehow just go with what I like and each year they're a little different.
Hard to believe that fall will soon be requiring a different kind of work in the gardens.
My sister's still in the hospital, the rehab section and will soon be changing residence to a nursing home/rehab center. She's still needing a walker and lots of help.  We're looking at moving her here to NH as soon as we can figure out what her needs will be.
Roger's out in the pool after clearing brush this morning. Deezel's sprawled out on his bed in the living room. Zeek is pestering me for a treat; Buck wheats' passed out on the sofa and Zoey's making her rounds in the field hoping for a successful hunting trip.