Thursday, March 11, 2010

waxwings, lions, tissue and big beads

March 10, 2009
This entry was constructed by covering the card stock with white tissue and adding some torn pieces. I wrote the text on the tissue with a white gel pen and didn't like it. So, I wrote on a scrap of glossy white paper (probably remains from cutting one of those fancy magazines)with a sharpie pen and glued it over the tissue.
The sun glares on new snow.
The trees lose their white burden.
Where does the hawk hunt?

March 11, 2009
Cedar waxwings make their appearance:
Rain falls, dawn to dusk,
cedar waxwings in the tree,
the season changes.

I used my bird stamp in pale yellow several times, inked with the edge of a grey ink pad, added white ink along the lower edge and wrote the text on tracing paper. Finally, I covered the text with another piece of tracing paper to have it be faded looking. I inked the edges of the card with brown walnut to frame it slightly. I used tracing paper for the text so I could get the writing straight by putting the tracing paper over lined paper when I wrote it.

March 12, 2009
A quick walk through the woods behind our house offered the opportunity to see the setting full moon. I made this entry by using a stamp with different sized circles. I only inked one set of concentric circles for the moon and inked with pads for the blue and green of the evergreens. I trimmed the edges with the blue ink pad.
Dark morning skies, lit
by the round orange moon, low
on the western sky.

March 11, 2010
It's a grey day, cold, rain is in the forecast. Will I get in a walk before the rain?

Art Journal pages - I glued the collage items for the day in Boston and seeing "The Lion King" at the Opera House on 3/6/10. I used gel medium. I saved an unused thick tissue type paper towel from the rest room at Maggiano's and collaged that over the images from the playbill, since I need to not use Disney property openly. The lion logo for this play is a striking design of yellow and black. I was certainly entranced by the performance it represents. Details will follow when I post some of it !
Also, I finished with the binding of "365 Daily Haiku 2009" after I found 4 large beads to help hold the satin cord tightly. I'm planning to take it to school to share with everyone there. I'll make a book for comments to accompany it.
I'll photo it it in situ and post it later.

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