Thursday, September 30, 2010

September comes to rainy closing and questions

I can hear the nuts and acorns crashing through the trees and bouncing off the deck. Once in a while I hear a crashing of leaves and branches without the concluding bang. I assume it's a squirrel that lost its footing and fell through the branches. With a large collection of acorn and hickory trees along the edges of our property, we get all these events each fall.
The path through the woods is littered, strewn and all of those words with roly poly acorns making for teetering walking, for me not Deezel. He runs and sniffs everywhere, dashing with determination to be ahead of me on the path. Sometimes he bumps me. I am learning to be out of his way even though I'd prefer him to avoid me. He's training me very well !
The Portsmouth Poet Laureate Exhibit and Auction was fun and interesting. I bought a fantastic postcard that is really more a book. The poet is Terry Karnan of Portsmouth. the artist is Julianna Gold-Mulloy spelling. My postcards were among many really outstanding pieces, and some ok pieces. Of course, everyone has different tastes. That's truly a wonderful aspect of written and visual art. 
The cards can still be viewed on their website,
Next week I'll add photos of a mobile the second grades created with leaves of paste papers... I love it.

Now to Daily Haiku...
I photographed all of October, even though it's overcast. I have to admit some of them are very nice. I got into some new visual techniques in the upcoming month. I hope I can work some artistic magic on the two pieces I'm working on this afternoon for "The Vision & The Word" exhibit. Frames should arrive any day. Where do people get nice, reasonably priced frames? Or is there such a think ?

September 30, 2009
 Here's the ubiquitous, and totally marvelous, oak leaf. I found two gigantic leaves on the path in the woods. I took them to school to inspire my little artists. (I still have them and will be using them again tomorrow. )This one is tracing paper that's been stamped with several colors of ink pads when I created the entry for the 28th.
The verse reads: Who can count the leaves blanketing the earth and what is their color?
It is written along the central vein and off to one side.
September 29 has a verse in the form of a question also written in a curvilinear path through the paper.
Who can hear the oak leaf's note as it caresses other fallen leaves?
The artwork consists of stamps and stencils scattered with the verse integrated into the chaos.
September 28 # 272 
I used the oak leaf as a mask to create a negative image over the card after attaching  white paper with the verse printed on it. The sun and flip flops show it was a nice day and I ook a walk with Deezel -the paw print paper tells me that.

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