Sunday, October 24, 2010

the next to last Sunday in October, razzle dazzle maples

Again, I am marveling, and  yet bewildered, at the speed with which the days, weeks and months pass.
Deezel and I had a 3 mile walk this morning even though I am coughing due to COPD irritated by allergies. Need the walk.
Several maples along our walk are still stunning. They're aglow with a yellow-pink color that's begging to be photographed, and yet illudes being captured on film or in digital form. A perfect specimen on a property about a mile from home was taken down to make room for a new house. I can still see it standing there. Its off spring are getting bigger, but it was truly stunning. I was in tears at its destruction. Was it necessary?
The  grasses in my garden look nice. The leaves are filling in some areas. I rarely take the leaves off in the fall. In the spring, I take the loose layer or leave them as long as the new plants can pentrate them. It's Mother Nature's mulch.
I sat down at my work table to think about art for "ART JOURNAL - July- Dec". I just sat there. I tried to demand the work to come, but it didn't. I may use the technique we worked with in our journaling class last week: number from 1-31, beside each number write something (e.g. laughter, loss, toads, fruitcake, etc) . If one is stuck, look at the number corresponding with the date and write/make art about whatever is listed.
 I seldom am stuck for an idea, but have to listen to see which idea is really calling to me.I could look back at the art I made one year ago and see if that triggers the creative juices.I have used the entries in D.H 2009 for art in the past by enlarging the work or even printing the photos and working them into the image.
What did I do a year ago?

I went to Portsmouth Spa for a haircut. Jodi and I met first at Popover's for breakfast. This entry uses the pink from my appointment card, cut in small squares and triangles and arranged in a traditional quilt pattern "maple leaf" . It's those fabulous maples that amaze me every year. I wrote the text in a font similar to the writing that was on the appointment card.
                                                          Despite the steady
                                              rain, trees glow pink and yellow
                                                      against the grey sky.
I  added interest to the background by inking a lined stamp pad irregularly and with varied colors. I used it for the border also.

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