Saturday, July 10, 2010

waiting for rain and lower humidity

This morningI did a quick walk with Deezel . We went through the woods and down the boat ramp toward the river. It was low tide, hot, and the cormorants were just sitting on the rocks. When I got home, I cooled off first in the pool, and then took a shower. Just in time because evidently, there's a break somewhere in the water line and the water's been turned off.

A month ago today I was leaving Shand's Hospital after most of the night in the Emergency Room, a bizarre trip through the tunnel at 2:00 am, and,finally, following an echocardiogram and lots of blood tests during the night, the verdict that I hadn't had a heart attack. It began with a severe bronchial spasm caused by exposure to the bug bomb released into the room at the hotel that had not been aired. I required oxygen to enable me to breathe. The subsequent drastic drop in blood pressure caused me to feel like the flu several times over. That was gradually relieved with an IV. My opinion is that's what caused the enzyme levels to look like a heart attack in the first blood test. Now, after two more visits to my doctor and a stress test, other than all the inconvenience, stress and annoyance the situation caused, I'm healthy.
A year ago today, I saw "Up" with Mary Z. and, a few days later, I wrote
Thanks for the dreams
of adventure and thanks
for each day's adventure.
I guess I was thinking about the balloons when I stamped and used the puppy paw print tissue.

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