Thursday, July 8, 2010


Today's numbers are 07, 08, 10. Last year they were 07, 08,09.
Today's numbers are also 90 degrees at 10:30 and 3 dips in the pool to be able to do some outside work and some art outside. At least, with the heat, I can be out somewhat. The pool, despite its smallness, certainly keeps me at a temperature for working.
Earlier, Deezel and I managed a quick loop though the woods. I watered the vegetables ( there's one blossom on a cucumber plant) and my ligularia and other two unknown plants. Then I layered some bark mulch around each of the latter to, hopefully, keep the moisture in the soil a little longer.
This is our 5th day in the heat. We haven't had rain for several weeks. I'm inside through the hottest part of the day to journal and finish window coverings.
Acorns and nuts fall.
A cicada's call rises,
morning's haze clearing.

I used the numerical sequence lightly around the card for a border, stamped with grey on the sun stamp and one red. The tracing paper has pencil to darken the edges. The section with text has been edged with a black ink pad.
The card has rain written on it and a grey spiral stamped in varying degrees of intensity.

The sun hides as the
rains soak, soak, and soak again.
Shine away the clouds.

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