Friday, July 30, 2010

perfect summer day

Today Deezel and I walked to the end of New Road and home. It's a total of 4 miles. When I got home I finished prepping the last closet to paint tomorrow. Then I took time to relax; I did my nails -toes and fingers. Had to do something, I'm going to an opening at ARTSOURCE in Rochester this evening with my friend, Ila, and sister, Anne and my nails looked pretty bad.

Finally,I did a couple pencil drawings in ART JOURNAL: July- Dec. One is of my passing sunflowers (from Barker's Farm Stand) and another the tiger lilies from my garden.

Yesterday, I used a tag shaped punch. I made 36 tags of light green card stock to do work on each day in August. It inspired the solution for what to put in the pockets of "Scroll #2".

I'm making tags of buckram. I'll stitch two layers of fabric together and position the tails of thread to be handles and be able to take out each tag. I'm planning to write catchy, meaningful words or phrases on each tag.


I had to replace several plants in pots. They had rotted away. A trip to Wentworth Greenhouses inspired this landscape. I used an expired coupon for the hills, and gold backed, brown paper with a scrap of white stamped with the barcode, now grass, stamp. The frame is a simple, seam-like line of dots made with a marker. I wrote the text along the horizon line with a purple gel pen. This is a time for my crooked writing talent to shine.

new healthy plants to
replace those ravaged by rains,
their little roots rot

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