I'm off to school this afternoon - I have portfolios packed for kids to take home. Hopefully, each one will corral a family member to share the work. Pieces of portfolio work have corresponding sketches and writing in their sketchbooks.
Yesterday was overcast most of the morning. We had smoke from Canada in the air. The afternoon was sunny and lovely - warm in the sun, cool in the shade. We had several guests.
On my walk, I picked up trash. I can't do much about the oil spill, but I can respect and care for my little piece of this beautiful planet.I filled the bag in no time... sadly.
Why do people throw ice coffee cups and plastic bags out as they are driving?

I printed an odd shape of ephemera to texture the background with green.Why did I use it? Where did it come from? I drew simple iris shapes, colored them purple and added leaves. The text fills the background with another green. The day and date are written out and enumerated along the bottom edge in purple.
MAY ends -----------------------
Why did I choose the icey blue wrapping paper to be May's background? It's sparkly, like May can sometimes be, but it seems wintery. It appealed to me at the time. The month is a clear sticker. I like color behind it, and kept the month's entries simple as each month ended.

This consists of some scraps from prior work and an ad. The writing asks the question that led me to do some daily art - where does each day, each month each year go? Now I have 2009 captured in art.

The date has become more a part of the image.
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