It's too long a story for here, but suffice it to say that when a flea/bedbug bomb is used by a hotel, they need to allow a long, long time before they sign someone into that room. People with respiratory problems can be close to not breathing due to the dispersants in the bomb. This was a Red Roof Hotel, by the way.
We slept late for us this morning, took the dog for a walk and while I wait for a call from the insurance company, Roger's gone to visit a customer who's recuperating from triple by-pass. I'm enjoying Georgia peaches and catching up.

The verse says it all -
a single day of
sun everyone celebrates -
oh joyous warm rays
The visual is composed of scraps of scrapbooking paper, highlighted with yellow stamped suns and a single orange spiral.
The rain continues.
June 16, 2009
A single scrap of green paper and some white dots with vellum and the verse over it are surrounded by the word rain written repeatedly.
The verse notes another day of not having an image or text readily available from my notes.
The writing is with a white out pen:
Rain, rain, go away.
Three days of rain with no sun.
I'm growing gills.
I wrote the letters for the word on vellum, cut them out and glued it to the card.
More large lettering and simple verse: The standing letters for a single word are the visual.I lettered them freehand, crosshatched inside each and lightly made vertical lines in the background.
Rain, rain go way
slosh through the green grass puddles
Where do the frogs live?
For some reason, I used an envelope to contain some bright orange paper, wrote the verse on the envelope and stamped an orange spiral. One fine sunny day
between the several days
of rain, now sunny.
June 12, 2009
A repeated portion of the text suggests how repetititive the weather was becoming. I used a silvery grey stamppad on its edge for the lines. The text is the image:
Rain, rain go away.
White peonies droop with the
water's extra weight.
Haiku # 162 June 11, 2009

Words, sounds, imagery,
noting of each day's events
using syllables.
I made vertical lines all over the card and added two clusters of bamboo-like leaves. I wrote the text on tracing paper. The top border has simple shapes and the bottom is noting the number of the entry repeatedly. The text is on tracing paper.
June 10,2009The piling of several days' scraps became a favorite technique for creating a visual. this has tissue, tracing and scrapbook papers. the sharpedged horizontal piece is a piece of cardstock. A few dots from paper punches and a pencil border soften its severity somewhat.
The text outlines the shape created by the visual.
Sorry for the respiratory ills ... small world I went several years ago to Gainesville to perform a wedding there!I love especially the "single day of sun...