Monday, May 24, 2010

summer's heat in May -- into the pool

These are the clematis in garden #1:

Here is a shot of the much of the garden:

I picked several irises yesterday and added buttercups. It's a nice bouquet. I've moved all but my most sensitive house plants outside.
A walk this morning followed by vacuuming the house and my car left me totally covered with dirt and sweat. I went in for a swim. The water is refreshing. We still have to get the pool level - probably by flushing out some dirt on the high side. We enjoy our 15' soft sided Intex pool; it's just big enough to paddle around in to cool off. It's not so big we have to spend lots of care.

Tragically, the Gulf continues being suffocated by the greed and poor foresight of BP and politicians. Two more postcards are coming and I work with a 4th grade class this week on the topic.

May 24
Since we spent much of the day digging and planning the vegetable garden, I used this quilt pattern from the New England Quilt Museum brochure. It reminded me of a well planned garden.
dig in the rich soil
plant tomatoes, cucumbers
for a fresh salad

May 23
We got together at my sister Anne's house to celebrate Bruce's birthday - actually we like getting together. I wrote the text in green on vellum.
The background is handwritten names of everyone there and the rest of the day's events. I used a portion of the stamp i'd used fro family get togethers. Since I took the puppy for a quick walk, I used some tissue with paw prints.

Both of these entries are examples of using some specific items to symbolize repeated events. I used the paw print paper for time with the puppy all year. Also every time we had a family get together, I used a stamp that has a patchwork of patterns around the edges - spirals, stars, hearts, diagonal lines.
I consciously planned to repeat components for similar or related events. This would expedite the work by having some decisions made. Also the repeition signifies patterns in life.

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