Tuesday, May 25, 2010

bald eagle sighting

Sunday afternoon, I spotted an eagle flying over us, two times. The second time I actually had time to grab the binoculars and see it well. I'm assuming they're nesting on Durham Point or Adams Point.What a thrill.
I'm sure I have many more iris blossoms this year than last. They are definitely earlier.
Our walk this morning was hot, even though we left around 7:00. When we got home, I went into the pool a couple times to get really cooled off before school.


May 25 Memorial Day
The strips are from a postcard I'd used on the 21st. I wove these just because I felt like it and wrote the verse to go with it.

1 comment:

  1. Seeing images of the beautiful irises and other blooms in your garden, then reading about your work with students in the art program where you teach, underscores both the irony and the blessings of nature in our lives. Irony, in the sense that while nature continues to renew and replenish the earth with extraordinary resilience, the disastrous Gulf oil spill reminds us that without responsible stewardship of nature's gifts, such things might well be finite. It is heartening to know that the children you work with in art classes have an opportunity to express their views and to process this issue by creating art imagery. For at least some of them, such awareness might well influence the choices they make along the way in their lives. It is increasingly apparent that it is not the politicians and energy executives who will disrupt the path of greed and destruction that humankind seems to be treading at this point in history. Rather, it is individuals and small groups of concerned citizens--teachers, visual artists, writers, parents, and others--who act in small land larger ways in daily lives that seem to hold the most hope for making a difference in these challenging times. I am wondering about others of you who are reading this blog. Have you integrated art-making into your lives in a way that helps process or clarify your own responses to environment issues, including the Gulf oil spill?
