Sunday, March 20, 2011

thoughts and catching up, Haiku edits

My art work on the last post looks like it was done after the earthquake in Japan.... but no, it was done before. The photos and situation there is heart wrenching. My thoughts go out to Miho every day...

This first day of spring began with the full moon setting and the sky a pale pink in the east prior to the sunrise.
I've been working on a Haiku. The first attempt reads:
                                                       round full moon revolves
                                                       very close to earth, sets yellow
                                                       announcing spring's return
Then I revised it three times. They actually read pretty well together:
                                                         round yellow moon
                                                          approaches its earth, yellow
                                                          peepers still sleep, cold

                                                          eastern blue sky
                                                         edged with palest, baby pink
                                                         moon sets at spring's birth

                                                      full moon revolves
                                                      closely to its earth mother                                                         
                                                      a new season's birth

Now to make a visual statement....

Yesterday I made new curtains for our bedroom. The fabric has a Marimekko look to it with a combination of aqua, lavender and pale green, highlighted with touches of red, deep eggplant and gold. I have about a half yard left and am thinking about making a strippie quilt to go with the curtains. This would be  a great way to use som of my fabric supplies. And of course, I'm thinking I need to check JoAnne's to see if they have more of the curtain fabric.

Last Sunday, I went to see "Mary Poppins" in Boston at the Opera House. It was a Fabulous - with a capitol F- production. Everything was simply mesmerizing. My sister got tickets for my birthday through her bank. They included the trip, lunch at Maggiano's and great orchestra seats. Now, how do I say thank you for such a wonderful, generous gift.
 I've been at work in "ART JOURNAL 2011".  Of course, one spread includes the "Playbill" cover with Mary floating into the sky in a bright red dress. I didn't cover the image enough to publish it here. My favorite spread was inspired by my trip to Lowell to the Brush Gallery and I used their postcard and I don't know whose print it is.If I can find that out I'll publish that also.  It took about two weeks to get "right". And it inspired a new stamp.
I have several  other pages to photo and publish later.
At school, I have photos of clay tiles we're doing with Emile Birch at


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