I didn't include Deezel in any pics at the beach, and was too busy bathing him at Club Canine to take his picture, but here's a shot of the public beach near Wallis Sands in Rye. The tide was very high, leaving us a narrow path, some places we were in the water. Each wave rattled the stones on the beach and crashed in various places along the shore. A man with a lab and a woman with a golden were there also.
Deezel stuck pretty close, but did check out the other dogs.
Last stop was "All About Paper" in No. Hampton and bought several lovely gift items, several pieces of fabulous paper, and a weaving she did on a crocheted base. I told her about my students loving weaving and we came up with a couple more projects I could share with them. So now I'm looking for screening with large enough holes to weave through.
Today, I have chores, errands and a dinner date with my quilting friends. Probably this is the only "artsy" work I'll get to. I am finishing a new glasses pouch with some beads, and I got out a Twelve Days of Christmas quilt I started years ago to quilt the rest of it and hopefully hang this year. I do a little handwork because my thumb joint is in bad shape.
December 6
Clear blue sky follows
swiftly moving first snow storm.
December is here !
This entry has some decorative stitches thanks to my Janome securing a piece of tracing paper over the card and white paper in the center. The grey pieces came from an ad, the precut snowflake from "All About Paper".
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