Tuesday, October 5, 2010

dark at 6:00 am, and an eery quiet

I woke up having a funny , oddly funny dream. It involved people I got to know whenI worked at the New England Quilt Museum. We were setting up an exhibit. I was gathering items to show from different places. I was apprehensive about my bags of things not arriving on time. A woman asked me about what I was doing now; she knew me and I knew I knew her but could not remember her name. Somehow, my childhood home was involved and falling apart. Both my parents were present.
It wasn't a bad dream, but an odd aggregate of people, places and energies. I laid in bed thinking about it and then came down at 5:00 to write.
It's a very dark morning, deep black envelopes my small lit area.
It's a very quiet morning.  I can hear a small clock ticking and my ears ringing. My laptop's humming is loud. I can hear the distant jet engine of a plane overhead.
Too early for Deezel or the birds. All the windows are closed, all the plants are in. Fall's preparations are seriously underway.
Sounds like a Haiku, or maybe a Haibun.

Darkness, stillness hold
and soothe me. I am not free, but
captive to their charms.

What will my image be?  How does one depict silence?
The rectangular shapes in this entry began as tiny textiles for another art journal that's waiting to be worked on. It's about "Patterns". I've done a few pages and will pass it along to Dawn or Paula for them to add their images.
For  this entry in DAILY HAIKU 2009,   I used Bristol board for the shapes, cut them out, attached them and used marker to draw two much used symbols - the sun, and a spiral, puppy paw print. The blue between the shapes is colored pencil and leaves a white border around the shapes.

early autumn winds
scatter acorns, pine needles -
earth's seasonal wear

I wish the text didn't fall off the top edge (poor pre-thinking ). The image and text are un-related, but
I like both.

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