Monday, March 1, 2010

permissions, new month

This card I actually made at the end of March with the month's sticker over the art work.I noticed as I cropped the month's entries that I frequently used art postcards for my art. So to now publish them I know I'm walking a fine line. Most times I cut them into indistinguishable sections and for my book that's acceptable. But, I don't have permission and I didn't note either the art or the photographer.
I'll post them as possible and thank the artists whose work inspired my work and became part of my artistic vocabulary.

March 1,2009 is an example. It is from a renewal card from Fiberarts magazine that for several years in my collection. I did make mention of the artist. The art work is that of Bernie Rowell, "Four Seasons" from the Apr/May 06 issue. I loved it, obviously.
I cut it into several pieces and drew more leaves around it with a marker. I don't feel right posting the photo. I checked her website to see her fabulous work. If you look at the Fiberarts article for that issue, you'll see this piece.

First day of March - in
like a lion, spring is in the air
as is winter.

I'll post this photo of a journal page that I finished yesterday. It commemorates the past few days' storm - winds, rain and loss of electricity. Things are getting back to normal, very slowly for some people.
I cut the spiral from an envelope and used black tissue for the lightless nights.

I'm working on another spread dedicated to a pine that didn't succumb to the winds and rain.

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