Tuesday, February 9, 2010

more snowless events forecast for NH

February 9, 2010
Today's a sunny, cold winter day. We have a slim hope of getting snow tomorrow night. We went out in the wind yesterday to try out a new car; one that Roger's long legs can fit in when he's driving. I haven't been out much in the cold icey backyard. I'll be taking Deezel for a quick walk through the woods before I go to school.

Looking back at 2009, for February 7, 8 and 9

2/7/09 I had a haircut and a manicure on the 7th after a yummy breakfast at Popover's in Portsmouth with a friend. Then I went to Wentworth Greenhouses in Rollinsford to meet Anne (sister) and Ila and to get some visual input from the lovely orchids.
To make the art, I used the appointment card (which I did everytime I went to Portsmouth Spa). Before I glued pieces of it to the card, I wrote in delicate, fancy script with various colored gel pens. The text is in black on a piece of parchment. It lists the day's events.
My art work for 2/7/10 has to include brochures from the Bostom Museum of Science. I went with some work friends to see the Harry Potter exhibit. We took the train from Newburyport to North Station. Along the trip, the tracks divide the marshes in several places. They are silvery white from the ice that encases the mounds. Great day.

One of those days distinguished only in its lovely,ordinary nature. The text says it all:
Words scatter today.
A flock of birds on the tree
lands then flies away.

The art work is loose, whatever was at hand,and ordinary also. A new stamp with circles unifies the background with the heart stamped over it in lavender. There's a piece of plastic with hearts stamped out and yesterday's text on part of it. I frequently picked up the scraps from the day before and let them arbitrarily be part of the next collage.The hearts are there because I was making Valentines for everyone at school. (I'll post this year's valentines soon.)

The stamp with circles became the way to create a lovely, low moon, setting in the early evening on my way to class in Portsmouth. The simple lines vertically and horizontally refrence the simplicity of the Chinese brush art I was practicing.

The round, orange
an escaped party
hangs at the horizon.

I broke the lines to fit on the page. I hadn't planned where to position the text and wanted it away from the moon , and directly on the page. I got better at planning where the text would be as the year passed. The text became more integrated with the visual art.
It looks better written with the standard three lines.
The round orange moon,
an escaped party balloon,
hangs at the horizon.

As I look at this entry, I like where my initials and the date are placed, and that the verse balances the left hand side. I still have mixed feelings about the repeated word pattern/rhyming of balloon and moon. The change to a different vowel sound and a single "o" in "horizon" alters it enough to let it work for me.

Be back Thursday with valentines that have inspired new work...


  1. I appreciate seeing and reading about your fiber art and creative process from a year ago, as well as today. It's great how you integrate bits and pieces of everyday ephemera into your fiber art, along with your poetry. Doing so seems to contribute to a sense of being present to your surroundings and to nature. That's something good for each of us who create to remember. I look forward to hearing more about your life as a teacher, fiber artist, poet. . .and "mom" to Deezel. Great dog!

  2. i never read through anything people send me cause i feel too busy except for poems and other writings and my rye energy work, but i read yours all the way through and felt utter( udder) delight...i almost took the brush painting class--okay here's promise, public to you and myself, i will write a haiku every day in mrach while i am in asheille once again---i love your work it is clare, and so very observed---before i leave for nc can you give me a few small cars to doodle on while i am away then show me how to make a march haiku book when i get back?? thank you for your beautiful words and images xxoomimi
